Transforming Physical Therapy Documentation with Comprehend Health

Discover how Comprehend Health, an AI tool, makes paperwork easier for physical therapists, saving time, improving accuracy, and boosting job satisfaction.

Transforming Physical Therapy Documentation with Comprehend Health

Our Origin Story

The idea for Comprehend Health started six years ago during a Christmas dinner conversation. My cousin Chris, a physical therapist, was frustrated with the tedious task of medical documentation. I suggested that AI might help, and that idea sparked the development of Comprehend Health. After testing the concept when my mom broke her arm, Chris was amazed at the AI-generated SOAP note. Realizing the potential, I left my job at Moog Inc. to fully develop the platform. Today, Comprehend Health is a reality, helping physical therapists focus more on their patients and less on paperwork.

Case Study: Janise’s Clinic

Janise, a dedicated physical therapist, was overwhelmed by the time-consuming documentation process. Despite automating other aspects of her clinic, paperwork remained a major burden. After adopting Comprehend Health, Janise’s clinic saw a significant reduction in documentation time, with time spent on paperwork dropping by 73% per session. Initial evaluations that once took 30 minutes now take less than 5 minutes. Compliance improved, burnout decreased, and Janise was able to see more patients, boosting clinic revenue.

Testimonial from Janise Alcantara, Movement Medicine PT LA: "Comprehend Health has been a game-changer, saving us significant time and improving our compliance."

Case Study: Improved Quality of Life and Job Satisfaction

Another clinic was struggling with work-life balance due to excessive documentation. The clinicians found it challenging to maintain complete and accurate records. After integrating Comprehend Health, the clinic saw a 5-hour weekly reduction in documentation time, better work-life balance, improved job satisfaction, and increased revenue due to enhanced compliance.

Testimonial from Bethany Hainje, Team Rehab: "Our work-life balance has significantly improved since utilizing Comprehend Health. The AI technology has taken the burden of documentation off our shoulders, allowing us to focus more on patient care."

Additional Comments from Users

Clinicians across various clinics have shared their positive experiences with Comprehend Health. One therapist noted that the AI tool reduced documentation time by 30 minutes per session, streamlining workflows and enhancing compliance. Another therapist highlighted how they could now complete 30 daily notes in just one hour, freeing up more time for patient care.

Testimonial from Dr. Emelia P. Brogna, Wayfinder VT: "Comprehend has saved me so much time. I no longer feel overwhelmed when I start to get behind in notes. You would be foolish not to use this in your clinic."

Testimonial from Alec Courtney, Buffalo Performance Physio: "Comprehend Health has been a game changer for my small practice. I've been able to cut documentation time by 50%, allowing me to focus more on patient care and spend more time with my family."


Comprehend Health is transforming the way physical therapists handle documentation. By reducing the time spent on paperwork, improving compliance, and enhancing the quality of documentation, this AI-powered tool not only boosts efficiency but also enhances the overall quality of life and job satisfaction for clinicians. If you're a physical therapist looking to simplify your documentation process, Comprehend Health is worth considering.